Texas Monthly and D Magazine Awards for 2018

2018 marks the 8th year for Wise Insurance Group and it has been an exciting and rewarding year for us! It marks the first time I’ve been awarded both the D Magazine Best Home and Car Insurance agent in Dallas, and the third year in a row I’ve received Texas Monthly’s Five Star Award for Best Home / Auto Insurance Agent in Texas. This is the second time I’ve been recognized by D Magazine; the first being in 2013.

In both cases, I was selected from a pool of 15,000 to 20,000 agents. Receiving both awards in the same year represents a huge milestone for myself and the team at Wise Insurance Group. The principals that guided us on day one continues to guide us today.

  • Client focused
  • Educate & consult
  • Have the right partners
  • Improve daily

Client focused:  Without clients, Wise Insurance Group doesn’t exist. Too many companies hide behind automated phone systems and email. Client focused begins with being accessible, doing what’s in the client’s best interest, and being responsive. Over 90% of our clients have been referred to us and over 95% stay with us year after year.

Educate and Consult:  Most people I talk with have never had a good explanation on home or car insurance. That’s why our focus is to educate everyone we talk with first, answer their questions, and operate in a consultative way. People are intelligent and capable of making the best decision for them if they have the right information, and that’s what we provide.

Have the Right Partners:  No business succeeds without the right partners, and we’re no different. That’s why the carriers we work with are A rated or higher, have solid policies, and provide good claims service. If they slip up, then they must be available to talk with me as a client representative. If not, I won’t write future business with them. Ultimately, if I won’t write that company for my own coverage or a friend or family member, I won’t recommend them to you.

Improve Daily:  I want to always be striving to make myself the best I can be or Wise Insurance Group the best it can be.  I am always on the lookout for ways we can provide a better client experience whether with technology, tools, processes, or how we interact with a client or prospective client. Relationships are built on trust, and that trust must be earned by consistently showing up and exceeding our clients’ expectations.

I’m honored by these two awards! Recognition like this is welcome and represents we’re doing the right things with our clients, however, as I told Sheri after leaving the reception at D Magazine a couple of weeks ago, there’s more to do and resting on our laurels won’t get us there!



Evie Wise
Evie Wise

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