Christmas is over. The decorations are put away, the tree dropped off at Home Depot for recycling, and 2013 has arrived. If you watched any TV in the past 48 hours you probably noticed a lot of commercials about weight loss and quitting smoking, two of the more popular resolutions every year. Many people make resolutions prior to ringing in the New Year. Other’s don’t make resolutions and argue we should set goals and objectives instead. My belief is whichever method works for you is the right one!
I traditionally like to take the week between Christmas and New Years to review the year that’s ending and plan the upcoming year. I’m a little behind – we were busy with a good month and we’ve had family in town from Houston, Colorado, and even Canada. I’m utilizing two tools as I plan the upcoming year;
- The first one is a blog by Chris LoCurto on Zig Ziglar’s, Wheel of Life,
- The second tool is Michael Hyatt’s new eBook, Creating Your Personal Life Plan,
There are another two books that have been very influential to me and I would encourage you to check them out too!
- Chris Guillebeau’s, The Art of Non-Conformity
- Donald Miller’s, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
Both of these books played a part in helping me look at my life differently and make some changes. Read them and see where they take you!
While I don’t have everything completely lined out, here are the areas I’m working on for 2013;
- Growth: Any business is either moving forward or losing ground. Growth is essential and our goal is to grow by a minimum of 300 policies in the coming year. These policies are predominately made up of auto, home (includes renters & condo), life, and umbrella policies.
- Source of growth: The majority of our business will continue to be from referrals. Referral sources will continue to be partners such as Dallas area mortgage professionals and realtors, as well as existing clients.
- Responsiveness: Our goal is to return every call within two hours, respond to quote requests with personal lines quotes in four hours, and endorsements / policy changes also within four hours.
- Communications:We want to utilize as many tools and avenues as possible to enhance communication between our clients / prospective clients and us including;
- Phone: our office number is (469) 464-5740
- Email: Ed*****@Wi****************.com
- Twitter: @wiseinsgroup
- Facebook:
- Google +:
- Email me if you have other avenues we should examine
- Blog: My goal for the blog is to personally continue to write 3 times a week on topics related to insurance (usually). I want the posts to be educational and useful whether we are your agent or not. Have a question? Email me or post it on one of the venues we use and I’ll get an answer for you. If there’s a topic we haven’t touched on, let me know and we’ll work it into the schedule.
This is just the beginning of my planning process. I’ll expand on it as we complete our review. If there’s something you think we need to address, let me know about it. We can’t change something if you don’t share your wants and needs with us. Share your goals for 2013 with us in the comments section or on our Facebook or Google + page and let’s make this year a year of action & accomplishment. That sure beats sitting on the sidelines!
Happy New Year!