Yahoo profiled an interesting report on April 11, 2012.  The study, created by Dr. Donald Redelmeier, states there is an increase in deadly accidents on tax day.  Some interesting points to note;

  • More traffic related deaths occur on tax day than any one day the week before or after we file our taxes
  • Statistically speaking, this works out to 6% more traffic fatalities on tax day
  • Drivers were slightly less likely than passengers & pedestrians to be killed

The study arrived at its conclusion after reviewing 30 years of data.  The potential reasons attributed to this increase in traffic fatalities are;

  • Increased congestion due to more people driving to the post office to file their taxes
  • People driving recklessly as they race to reach the post office & meet the deadline
  • People driving under stress due to the filing or driving in a distracted manner
  • People driving routes they don’t normally drive

Remember, this year tax day is April 17th.  As for me, I filed electronically!



Evie Wise
Evie Wise

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