Three amazing women impacting lives & you!

Over the last three weeks, I’ve had the immense pleasure of introducing you to three amazing women in Dallas, Texas.  These women are impacting lives in a positive way across the Dallas/Fort Worth area, Texas, and other parts of the world.  They are;

  • Cheryl Hood & Victory Flows, a non-profit that ministers to families with special needs children (
  • Connie Freeman & Barnabas Journey, a safe place for people to evaluate what’s working or not working in their lives and developing tools to live life fully with other people (
  • Patti Pickering & My TreeHouse an organization working with children and their families to honestly share experiences of adoption while developing friendships and community (

I believe it’s important, especially at this time of year, to make people aware of others and organizations that are doing a good work.  But like a lot of non-profits, these three groups can’t do it on their own.  They need you and me.

  • There is a tremendous need for volunteers for special events
  • There is a need for participants in workshops
  • There is a need for funds to put on workshops, special events, and run/take care of the expenses of helping people

Why should you help?  I can’t really answer that question for anyone else, but I can share with you what I’ve gotten out of being involved;

  • I’ve been there when someone discovers something about themselves for the first time or develops a tool that helps them do life in a better, more secure way
  • I’ve developed new significant friendships with people in all three organizations (I get to do life with some amazing people!)
  • I’ve seen the sheer joy of a child being a child without worrying if they are alone or different from their classmates
  • Been a part of someone stepping into a new normalcy
  • Being a part of something bigger than myself
  • And reminded of how much we have in common with each other in spite of our differences

My life’s been changed by being involved.  Yours can be changed too!

  • Get involved with your expertise (technical, systems, marketing, etc.)
  • Donate your time as a volunteer (there’s always a need for help)
  • Give money, even a small amount helps (they’ll stretch each dollar given to the breaking point!)
  • Attend a workshop as a participant
  • Share their story with someone who’ll benefit from knowing about these women & their organizations

The contact information is on the Facebook and web sites of each of the organizations and people we’ve introduced.  If these aren’t the right one’s for you, find one that is.  It’ll make a difference in your life and in the lives of other people.  And that’s a good thing!  Know of someone else or a group that needs to be recognized?  Post it on our Facebook page.


Evie Wise
Evie Wise

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