Welcome to Wise Insurance Group’s first blog.  I’ve wanted to do this type of writing for several years now, but when I was working as a “captured” agent at Liberty Mutual, Balboa (Countrywide’s insurance group) or Farmers, I couldn’t do that.  As an independent insurance agent, I actually get to the way I’ve always wanted to for individuals and families – straight forward, to the point and without any marketing hyperbole.

This blog will be published on a weekly basis.  It will be written for you, whether you’re a current client, past client or just curious about insurance.  We’ll cover a broad range of topics that are insurance related such as;

  • The ONE thing that impacts most personal insurance rates
  • How to find out about it & what you can do to improve it
  • Home insurance (coverage amounts, the parts of a home policy, how to shop for home insurance, options, deductibles, claims, etc.)
  • Car insurance (coverage amounts, deciphering coverages, how to shop for car insurance, deductibles, claims, teen drivers, etc.)
  • Pets and their impact on home, renters and rental property policies
  • Roofs
  • ID theft & steps to protect your ID
  • Facebook and insurance (you’ll be surprised)
  • Insurance trends within Texas
  • Pools & trampolines
  • Motorcycles (cruisers vs. sport bikes)
  • Where do accidents to occur
  • and a whole lot more

Our blog will be informative, educational and a little entertaining too.  It won’t be a marketing brochure.

I have two goals;

  • Provide you with informative posts that demystify insurance and explain what you policies cover and what they don’t cover.
  • As we do that, I believe this blog will be an resource helps arm you and make you a better consumer

I believe you’ll better understand what coverage you need and save money too!

This is your blog.  I’d like it to become a forum where people share questions, ideas and experiences.  If you have a comment, post it.  If it’s a question, I’ll answer it.  If you like what you read, share it with someone else that will benefit.  You can Tweet it, share it on Facebook or Google +, or email it.  We want to be available to you in whatever medium you choose.

The blog will be emailed to everyone for 6 weeks, partly to give you an idea of what we’re writing about and I believe the first few articles are so important you don’t want to miss them.  After that, you can come back each Tuesday, sign up for an RSS feed or continue to have the blog emailed to you.

We’ll start next week with a look at the one factor that influences what you pay for most personal insurance policies including auto, home, renters, and more!


Evie Wise
Evie Wise

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