Drought, wild animals & your home policy

Drought impacts homeowners in a variety of ways.  It can damage our home, dry up and kill off our landscaping, and even bring us in closer touch with our animal neighbors.  One of the interesting side effects of this year’s drought that’s impacted most of the country and Texas this year is the loss of food and water resources for animals.

If you have a home near woods, live on the edge of town, have a farm or lake house or hunting cabin, you’ve probably noticed some interesting animal movement afoot.  The drought has brought animals including bears in some parts of the country along with coyotes, raccoons and other animals into closer proximity with us.  We have food and water in and around our homes and these animals are simply looking for a cool drink of water and something to eat.

So what are the potential home insurance implications a person could be faced with?  If a wild animal got into a home (it’s happened several times this year) and damaged the home, would your policy cover it?  It just depends.

  • Some home insurance policies cover damage caused by wild animals and some do not.
  • Most policies do not cover damage caused by rodents (mice, rats or squirrels) or insects (termites, carpenter ants, etc.).
  • The ones that do protect against damage caused by an animal in the home exclude pets the homeowner.
  • Damage cause by visiting pets may be covered in this instance
  • Normal deductibles would apply prior to any payment of a claim.

Most people probably have little to worry about.  As we continue to grow ever outward, remember we’re moving into their habitat.  Friends of mine in Allen still deal with coyotes coming through neighborhoods.  To help reduce your risk of these types of close encounters of the wild kind,

  • Don’t leave food supplies where animals can get to them (trash, pet food, etc.)
  • Minimize water sources in your yard
  • Keep small pets inside at night
  • Keep shrubs trimmed and reduce “cover”

Lastly, if you’re at risk, know what your policy will cover and what it won’t cover.  If you have a question, let us know and we’ll get an answer for you.


Evie Wise
Evie Wise

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