Connie Freeman & Barnabas Journey: Helping people live life honestly & develop new tools

One of the beliefs that guide Wise Insurance Group is giving back to our community.  I’ve personally had the pleasure of attending a Barnabas Journey workshop in 2004, joining the Board of Directors in 2008 and becoming a part of the leadership team in 2009.  Connie’s passion, insight, and commitment to people living life the way we’re meant to live it – vulnerably, authentically and in community – impacts people’s lives.  They change, their lives change and their relationships change.  Connie is a woman and a leader who’s making a difference in peoples’ lives across the D/FW area!

Do you feel like your life is going nowhere?  You feel like an empty shell and each day is a repeat of the last?  Or maybe your life is running 100 miles an hour but it seems like it’s headed in the wrong direction and you’re unable to put on the brakes or change direction?

Maybe the prince charming or fairy princess you thought you’d married 10 or 20 years ago really did turn out to be the frog and you feel trapped in a dull, emotionless marriage without a flicker of passion?  The relationship that once stirred your soul now barely stirs your morning coffee?

Could it be that you’re once again on the verge of incredible success but you’re sabotaging your own success because you don’t feel worthy?  Or maybe life’s good and has been rocking along but it’s time for the 60,000 mile checkup?

The Barnabas Journey and Connie’s mission in life is “to create a safe and honest environment for life change where people can evaluate their behavior patterns and beliefs in the context of God’s unconditional love and grace.”

Connie Freeman started Barnabas Journey in 1995.  Originally it was a ministry of Fellowship Bible Church Dallas and operated in that capacity through 2006.  In January of 2007, she organized an all-volunteer staff to begin the development of Barnabas as a non-profit organization. As an independent ministry her prayer is that the effect of Barnabas can reach beyond the church walls and bring authentic community and grace to people in all walks of life.

Barnabas Journey is a series of three workshops held over three different weekends.

  • Journey 1 (Friday night – Sunday afternoon)
    • Relationships
    • Defense Mechanisms
    • Taking risks
    • God’s view of us
  • Journey 2 (Thursday night – Sunday afternoon)
    • Masks/Roles
    • Barriers to giving and receiving love
    • Revisiting painful issues
    • Forgiveness
    • Experiencing freedom and joy
  • Journey 3 (Optional) (Friday night – Sunday afternoon)
    • Looking at self-destructive patterns that keep us from freedom
    • Exposing the lies that we believe about ourselves and replacing them with truth
    • Practicing new skills
    • Setting new goals

Participants in these workshops have the opportunity to;

  • Discover who they truly are
  • Avoid being trapped by past experiences or past relationships
  • Have deeper, more authentic & vulnerable personal or business relationships
  • Move from being emotionally shut down & running on auto-pilot
  • Live lives free from addictions or poor life choices
  • Change patters & behaviors that are not working in your life.
  • Foster a new start in life
  • Answer questions about faith or relationship with God

Connie’s passion in life is to walk alongside people who are willing to acknowledge and embrace what’s not working in their lives and dream about what life could be like.  This happens in profound ways as groups come together and form authentic community.

The next Journey workshop begins February 8 for Journey 1 and February 13th for Journey 2.  To find out more, register, or even donate, go to  Your life can be different!  It has been for over 1,600 people so far!

Connie Freeman


Phone: 972-863-3170
Fax: 972-850-9566

Barnabas Journey
9620 Liptonshire Drive
Dallas, Texas 75238


Evie Wise
Evie Wise

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