5 of the most dangerous roads in the world

Are you traveling domestically or internationally in the near future?  If you’re traveling to one of these 5 places and driving a car then be extra careful!  Here’s the list of 5 of the most dangerous roads in the world as reported by Aefa Mulholland of Budget Travel.

Johannesburg, South Africa: Carjacking

  • 10,627 carjackings in 2011
  • Half of all carjackings occurred in the Gauteng Province, home to Johannesburg and Pretoria
  • Residents can legally attach small flamethrowers to cars to repel carjackers

Mississippi: Deadliest

  • 27 road deaths per 100,000 Mississippians, makes it tops per capita
  • Leading causes of death include unlit rural roads, speeding & not buckling up
  • More than half of all traffic related deaths in 2010 were not wearing their seatbelt

Bolivia: Most perilous back roads

  • Most rural roads tend to be two-lane with deep potholes, no shoulder, aggressive drivers along with donkeys, ox carts, dogs, horses & pedestrians sharing the roads
  • Home to “El Camino del Muerte,” The Road of Death – clings to near sheer cliffs with no guard rails and 2,600 foot drops
  • Thousands have died since it was built

Pennsylvania: Deadliest animal in North America

  • There are about 1 million collisions with deer on US roads each year
  • Over 100,000 of them happen in Pennsylvania
  • Your odds of hitting a deer in the state, 1 in 86
  • November is the deadliest month of the year
  • 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. is the deadliest time

If you’re in Alaska, watch for moose.  There were over 600 collisions with Moose this past winter.  New Hampshire was next up for moose with 240 collisions.

India: Chaos & cows

  • Chaotic traffic with huge traffic jams, ignoring traffic signs & markings
  • Add in mopeds, cows, bikes & pedestrians and it’s a perfect storm
  • Outside the cities cars that are duct taped together hurtle along ancient roads at crazy speeds
  • Ride in a cab & pray

Do you have a driving story to share with us about driving in one of these places or somewhere else?  Share it with us on our Facebook page or in the comments section below.


Evie Wise
Evie Wise

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