Who’s safer, men or women drivers?

Jokes aside, most women believe they are safer drivers than men.  MetLife conducted a survey and the evidence is on the women’s side!

Here are some interesting numbers;

  • Men are 3.4 times more likely to be ticketed for reckless driving than women & 3.1 times more likely to be cited for drunken driving
  • Women are on average less aggressive drivers & better at obeying traffic laws which leads to fewer accidents
  • Men experience higher death rates from car accidents than women, more than 11,900 male drivers died in 2009 while less than 4,900 women died in car accidents during the same time period
  • The above rate works out to 2.5 male deaths per 100 million miles traveled versus 1.7 female deaths for the same distance
  • For teens, this ratio jumps dramatically, 9.2 deaths per 100 million miles traveled for males age 16 to 19 versus 5.3 female deaths the with same age and distance traveled
  • The gap between male & female rates of accidents is narrowing among teenage drivers due in part to distracted driving (cell phones & music players) according to a study conducted by Liberty Mutual

Many insurers are adjusting their rates for men and women drivers because of statistics like these.  Looking at the impact in dollars, women pay on average about 9% less for car insurance than men.  Maybe we guys need to get in touch with our feminine side while driving!?


Evie Wise
Evie Wise

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