Two nice options for your car insurance policy

Have you ever locked your keys in your car, had a flat tire or needed a tow?  Or maybe your car was in the shop after a fender bender and you needed a car to get to and from work while yours was being repaired.  There are two options most people can add to their car insurance policy for $2.00 to $4.00 a month;

  • Towing & roadside assistance
  • Rental car reimbursement

Towing & roadside assistance provides a number of useful services, usually when something happens at the most inopportune time, including;

  • Towing
  • Change a flat tire
  • Provide a gallon of gas (if you’ve run out)
  • Jump a dead batter
  • Unlock a car

In most cases, these services are all inclusive.  The coverage is purchased on the basis of a towing charge, $50, $100, $200, etc.  How much of a tow you may need depends on where you live, your commute, where you travel and more.  Realize though that a $50 tow may not get your very far.  Also, before purchasing confirm what’s included.

Rental car reimbursement is coverage that can only be used when your car is in the shop for repairs resulting from a claim.  It does not apply if your car is in the shop to replace the radiator, get new tires, or perform any non-claim repair or maintenance work.

The amount of coverage is usually represented with two numbers including;

  • 20/600
  • 25/750
  • 30/900
  • 35/1050
  • 40/1200
  • 50/1500

The first number is the daily rental rate.  The second number is the total coverage available over a 30 day period.  Some insurance companies will not go beyond 30 days and others may (if you’re using one of their preferred shops and/or rental companies).  Check with your carrier for any restrictions or allowable changes.

How much coverage do you need?

  • If you drive an economy car, pick a lower rate.
  • Drive a medium sedan, pick a middle level rate
  • Go with a higher rate if you driver a large car, luxury car or truck.

Including these two options will probably not make or break what you pay for your car insurance, but they can reduce the level of frustration you might feel in a particular moment.  What’s your experience been?  If you’ve had to use this coverage share it with us in the comments section below or on our Facebook page.


Evie Wise
Evie Wise

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