Tag: claims

The top 10 US cities with the worst drivers

?I’ve lived in Texas for 32 years. On more than one occasion, I’ve heard people describe Texas drivers as aggressive, bad, you name it. None of the descriptions were “complimentary!” But guess what my fellow Texans? No city in Texas made Allstate’s top 10 list for worst US drivers.

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A star’s bad cab ride

Marc Summers, the Food Network star & producer was in Philadelphia in early August taping an episode of Restaurant Impossible. After the taping, he caught a cab to his next destination. The driver lost control in the midst of a torrential rain storm, hydroplaned and crashed. Summers wasn’t wearing a seatbelt and struck the partition between the front and back seats of the taxi disfiguring his face.

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Can you get car insurance after the fact?

Early in my career, I got a phone call from a person who wanted to buy insurance. She was a little distraught at the time so I took a few moments to help her slow down and breathe. Once she took a deep breath I began to get the information I needed to provide her with a quote for insurance.

The last piece of information she provided was that she’d just been in an accident, was calling me from the scene, and would the policy we were discussing cover the damage to the other person’s car and hers?

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