Happy Memorial Day

Summer’s here. Kids are counting down the end of the school year and figuring out how they’ll spend their time over the summer. Others are enjoying a three day weekend and are plotting out sales at local malls or have trekked to the beach or local swimming pool. Grills will be fired up for burgers, hotdogs, and various culinary delights for gatherings of friends and families.

Memorial Day has a deeper meaning for many Americans. It’s a time to pause, reflect, and remember those who’ve fought for our freedom and paid the ultimate sacrifice to secure it. Over 1.3 million men and women have lost their lives in all US wars to secure our freedom. Another 1.5 million were wounded in some way and over 38,000 went missing in action during these wars.

Enjoy your holiday! But take a few minutes to remember those who have served us and paid for our freedom. Better yet, thank someone you may know who served for their service and let them know you appreciate their sacrifice. They’ll appreciate your acknowledgement because it matters. Freedom isn’t free as almost 3 million men and women can attest.

Happy Memorial Day!


Evie Wise
Evie Wise

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