Texas Car Insurance and Uninsured Motorist Coverage
One of my clients called me a couple of weeks ago. She’d stopped at a red light waiting with cars in front of her and behind her for the light to change. She heard a horrible noise behind her.
One of my clients called me a couple of weeks ago. She’d stopped at a red light waiting with cars in front of her and behind her for the light to change. She heard a horrible noise behind her.
Sheri and I were returning to Dallas after visiting family in Birmingham for Thanksgiving. A friend and client called me on my cell phone. Since it was Saturday, that usually means a couple of things such as they need help with a claim or a copy of their ID card because they’re getting their car inspected. In this case, it was neither, she was in the process of buying a new car, and before driving off the lot with her new car, the finance manager wanted to confirm she has a current and active car insurance policy.
There are two broad types of coverage which can be included in a car insurance policy. Coverage is available to protect you from financial loss if you’re involved in an accident and it’s your fault. Coverage is also available when you’re involved in an accident and it’s not your fault. The first is required by Texas state law, the second is strictly an option.
I was reviewing a car insurance quote with a prospective client the other day. She and her husband are buying a new home and wanted to review their car insurance to see if they could save money on that as well. We were in the midst of discussing liability coverage when she asked me to explain the difference between split limits and combined single limits as she’d heard someone mention this to her.
A client called me a couple of weeks ago. He’d been rear-ended by another person who said he had car insurance, but he didn’t. Their car insurance had been cancelled due to non-payment which meant my client had to file a car insurance claim on his policy where someone else was clearly at fault. This type of claim is referred to as an uninsured motorist claim.
More people are buying new cars as we continue to see the U.S. economy slowly improving. These new car buyers are replacing older cars that they’ve driven longer. Another factor that’s helped people move forward with new car purchases are the low interest rates we’ve enjoyed the past several years.
The Texas Department of Insurance recently released a report detailing the number of people driving without coverage. The good news is the number of Texans driving without car insurance is still lower than it was a few years ago when it was over 20% of all Dallas drivers. The current figures show 1 in 6 people on Dallas roadways don’t have car insurance and this number is even higher than it was last year.
The Dallas Morning News reported earlier this year on surcharges the state of Texas assesses to Texas drivers who are convicted of offenses such as driving while intoxicated, failure to maintain car insurance, and driving without a valid license or with an invalid license. These driver surcharges were enacted as a part of The Driver Responsibility Program in 2003.
Liability (BIPD or bodily injury liability property damage) coverage is the one coverage required in the state of Texas. It protects the person you hit
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