Tag: tablet

17 Steps You Can Take To Prevent Identity Theft

Identity theft, and the fraud associated with it, is a growing problem in the US and across the globe. Out of 2.06 million complaints reported to the Federal Trade Commission, 370,800 were identity theft related. In Texas, the rate of identity theft complaints rose 17% from 2011 to 2012, or 28, 299 up from 24,162.

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Optional coverage for your computers, tablets & readers

Over the weekend, a group of us from Dallas went camping. We spent Friday night at Eisenhower State Park in Denison before backpacking in a different area on Lake Texoma. After the tents were set up and everything was organized, we all sat around the fire talking. I took the opportunity to do an informal survey of our friends. I asked each person how many computers they have. I added to that printers, software, tablets and readers. What I didn’t ask about but could have been added to the list was gaming systems (Nintendo, Xbox, etc.), data storage, or hard drives.

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