Tag: mesquite car insurance

Insurance Lessons from West, Texas

On Wednesday, April 17, a fire broke out at the West Fertilizer Company in West, Texas, a community of 2,849 about 70 miles south of Dallas. 10 volunteer firemen and two people who joined them responded to the calls that began being fielded by the 911 call center at 7:33. As first responders, they began to assess the massive fire and plan how to begin putting out the blaze. They were killed moments later from the explosion that occurred at 7:51 pm.

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What Type of Driver are You?

What was the first word that popped into your mind when you read the title? Safe, slow, controlled? Or was it aggressive, fast, exciting? I don’t ask this question anymore because most people described how they drive. They weren’t thinking in terms of a type or class of driver. Needless to say, some of the answers I received were both humorous and telling.

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What Big Tex Teaches us About Insurance

I love the State Fair of Texas. There’s nothing like walking through the stock pavilion, watching the sheep dogs work the sheep, and the pig races. I enjoy wandering around the new car pavilion as I think about what I’d pick for a new vehicle. Then there are the rides and the cry of barkers tempting people to try their hand at some game to win the giant stuffed animal or some other prize. There’s plenty of food to savor as well; funnel cake, Fletcher’s corny dogs and some new fried delectable. And then there’s the icon of the fair, Big Tex.

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Dog Safety in the Car

I love spring in Texas. It’s a great time of year for a dog to ride around in the car. There’s nothing like having the windows down, sniffing all the different scents, looking at everything and the ears flapping in the wind. Dog bliss! But is this the safest way for your pet to travel?

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Force Placed Insurance

I got a call a few weeks ago from one of my clients in the Dallas area. I wrote the home insurance for he and his wife’s home two years ago and they wanted me to quote their car insurance too. To help me quote their insurance, his wife sent me a copy of a letter they received from their loan company. The letter simply stated that they needed to provide proof of current insurance or they would provide it for them at the price quoted in the letter. Sounds nice doesn’t it?! The truth is, the “help” they were offering had several “gotchas” in it and it was far from a fair price for the help they were providing.

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What if You’re Hit by Someone with Non-Standard Insurance?

You’re driving along with the flow of traffic on LBJ Freeway in Dallas and it suddenly stops. You breathe a sigh of relief because you stopped in time and didn’t hit the person in front of you. To your dismay the next sound you hear is the screeching of tires behind you followed by the bang of the impact as you’re rear ended and pushed into the car you avoided hitting.

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4 More Ways to Save on Car Insurance

There are a number of factors that impact what you pay for car insurance, not all of which are related to your driving record or the car you drive. Last week I introduced 8 car insurance discounts you need to know about (http://bit.ly/YHt1kA). There are 4 more factors that help you save money on car insurance. They aren’t all discount related but they can help you hold on to more of that hard earned money!

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The Beauty Queen, Donald Trump, and the Lawsuit

On December 18th of last year, a New York arbitrator ordered Ex-Miss Pennsylvania Sheena Monnin to pay $5 million in damages to Donald Trump who owns the Miss Universe Organization which includes the Miss USA pageant. Earlier in the year, Trump sued Ms. Monnin for defamation on behalf of the Miss Universe Organization after she claimed the Miss USA pageant outcome was rigged on both Facebook and NBC’s “Today” show.

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8 Car Insurance Discounts to Know About

Everyone I talk with about car insurance is l looking to pay less whether they are reviewing their renewal notice or shopping for a new policy. With that in mind, here is a smorgasbord of discounts that will help you keep some of your hard earned money.

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