Tag: Lakewood insurance agent

Hail Damage and Car Insurance Claims

3 major hail storms have rocked the Dallas / Fort Worth area over the last 6 weeks. Most of the attention has been on the damage to roofs, but our cars, trucks, and SUVs have taken a beating too! I thought this would be an appropriate time to look at car insurance and hail claims. We’ll examine what coverage applies, determining whether or not to file a claim, options if your car is totaled. I’ll also touch on one important thing to ask when talking with claim adjusters!

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The Flying Wrench and the Car Insurance Claim

I was talking with a friend of mine who’s a Dallas area financial planner. His wife had just gotten their vehicle back from the repair shop after being in an accident where someone had hit them. The new paint on their vehicle was still curing so the car couldn’t be washed. As his wife drove on Central Expressway in Dallas, a wrench fell off a truck, struck their car, breaking the new grill and then gouging the hood. Luckily, the wrench didn’t hit the windshield in front of his wife or pass through it. She was safe, but they have another car insurance claim on their hands.

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A Texas Home Insurance Overview

March is here and that signals the arrival of the home buying season. It also means it’s time for me to take a revisit home insurance. Beginning with this post, I’ll outline the coverage found on a typical Texas home insurance policy before drilling down into the different areas of a home policy. The goal is to help new home buyers know what to look for when shopping for home insurance, as well has raise questions to consider they may not have thought of.

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What do Home and Boat Insurance Have in Common?

A colleague called me a few weeks ago. He was helping a new client who was relocating to Dallas with their home and car insurance. My friend asked me if I would quote the family’s boat insurance. It turns out, the insurance company my friend is with doesn’t write a standalone boat policy, they place it as option on the home policy. This approach raised the home insurance too high and caused the mortgage ratios to be out of whack

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Texas Car Insurance and Deductibles

How many deductibles does your Texas car insurance policy have? That depends on the coverage you selected when you purchased your policy. There are up to three deductible types available on most Texas policies including comprehensive, collision, and uninsured motorist. Before outlining each one, let’s first examine what a deductible is.

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Digital Asset Considerations Before You Die

None of us lives forever, but our presence in social media may go on forever after we take our last breath. Planning for what we want the end of our life encompasses many things; wills, medical directives, HIPAA releases, cremation versus burial, and even what kind of a ceremony we may want. I’d like to add one more item to your list, what do you want to happen to your digital assets?

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Talking with Your Insurance Company Can Cost You

Last year, I wrote a post, Insurance Apps & Insurer’s Use of Your Questions (see where I outlined two insurance related bills the Texas Legislature passed. One bill allows Texas drivers to carry proof of insurance on their smart phone, the other bill barred insurance companies from using customer inquiries to cancel or non-renew, or to increase their premiums.

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Home Insurance for a Duplex

I received a call from a mortgage loan officer in Dallas a few weeks ago. She was working with a couple who was buying a duplex but had not yet obtained insurance. The loan officer wondered if we could help the couple as the purchase was scheduled to close in a couple of days.

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Car Insurance and the Totaled Car

A friend of a friend called me a couple of weeks ago who wanted my professional opinion. Our mutual friend suggested he call me as he’d been in an accident a couple of months ago and was not happy with the way his claim was being handled. He’s not a client but wanted to know what his options were.

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Hit by Someone with no Car Insurance?

I got a call from a client on the Friday after Thanksgiving. He’d been hit on Central Expressway in Dallas after some Black Friday shopping by someone with no car insurance. The person who hit him was driving a pickup truck that rear ended him and then did some damage along the side of his car when he took off. He wanted to know what to do.

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