Tag: Junk King

Demolition, Debris Removal and Home Insurance

Over the past five weeks, I’ve written about home insurance topics related to the tornadoes that hit north Texas on December 26th including picking the right roofer or contractor, claim steps, important coverage in the event of a total loss, how claims are paid and why a home inventory is invaluable after a major claim. I felt it appropriate to end this series with a look at two things home insurance covers which are factored into the home’s dwelling value that most homeowners don’t think about, demolition and debris removal.

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Home Insurance and Demolition Cost

Every home insurance quote begins in a conversation with the home owner or buyer. I take the time to understand how the home is finished out such as the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, type of floor coverings, roof type, etc. This information is then entered into the replacement cost system for each insurance company we work with which in turn generates a home’s replacement cost value.

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