Tag: Frisco home insurance

Home Insurance vs. Home Warranties

Last week, I helped a family in Allen, Texas change their home and car insurance from the carrier they were with to one of the insurance companies we work with. The wife and I were reviewing what the new home insurance policy covered and she asked an excellent question: does the new policy cover the air conditioning unit? Instead of simply answering her question, I wanted to confirm what she meant by the policy covering the air conditioning unit. It turns out, she wanted to know if the home insurance policy will replace their A/C unit when it wears out.

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Home Insurance and Rising Home Prices

The Dallas Morning News published an article on Friday, March 7th on the rising home prices of close in Dallas neighborhoods. In 12 months, prices have skyrocketed to historic highs while inventory of homes available for sale are at a 20 year low. Traffic at open houses has jumped and many sellers are receiving multiple offers for their home with most above the asking price. People who would normally be in the market to sell their house and move up are sitting on the sidelines for fear of not being able to find a home before they sell theirs.

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5 Home Insurance Options Worth Considering

I’m helping a number of people across the Dallas / Fort Worth area review and evaluate their home insurance. Rates across north Texas have sky rocketed over the last 2 years and each family is looking for ways to reduce their expenses without sacrificing coverage. Invariably, one of the things I’ve discussed with each family is which options they want their home policy to include. Here are the 5 options I recommend they keep or add to their home insurance policy.

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An Introduction to Home Insurance

I’m currently working with several Dallas area families on their home insurance. These families include three families who are wanting me to evaluate their current insurance and see if we can provide them with lower cost insurance options than they currently have. The other two are first time home buyers that were referred to me. They want me to find the right level of insurance for them, save them money, and educate them in the process.

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Condo Insurance and Mortgage Underwriters

This past week I helped a new client with condo insurance for his new home. The condo is in a high rise condominium tower located in the Turtle Creek area of Dallas. It’s beautiful and the view is amazing. He’s very excited and has been wonderful to work with. There was one little issue we had to work through involving the amount of insurance for his new home and what the mortgage underwriters would approve. It was an interesting conundrum.

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Home Insurance and Home Updates

I talked with three people who are buying homes in the Dallas / Fort Worth area in the coming weeks. There are a number of questions I ask anyone buying a new home or rental property. In addition to discussing the finish out of the home it’s important to know about the updates the home has had and when they occurred. This is especially true if the home is over 10 years old. The updates insurance companies want to know about and that I discuss are in four key areas: plumbing, electrical, heating and cooling, as well as the roof.

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Home Insurance and Mortgage Ratios

New home mortgage guidelines went into effect on January 10th. The new guidelines were drafted by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and they are designed to protect consumers from some of the lending abuses that led to the financial meltdown in 2008. Lending practices were relaxed prior to 2008. This enabled some people to qualify for home loans who would not have qualified under the previous and stricter guidelines. When the market imploded, millions of people were unable to make their mortgage payments and lost their homes to foreclosure.

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Earthquakes and Home Insurance

zle, Texas has been in the north Texas news a lot lately. The reason is earthquakes. In the past 12 months, the residents of Azle have experienced 33 earthquakes, with 30 of them happening since November. The quakes have registered anywhere from a 2.1 to a 3.7 on the Richter scale. Mineral Wells, a town to the west of Azle, has experienced 3 earthquakes within the same time period.

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A Baker’s Dozen Ways to Save on Home Insurance

No one wants to pay more for their Texas home insurance than they have to any more than they want to pay their hard earned money to someone who’ll nickel and dime a claim. What people want is to pay a fair price for their home insurance without being over or under insured. With that in mind, here are a dozen ways you can save on your Texas home insurance.

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Home Insurance for Homes That Didn’t Start as Homes

A family was referred to me last year to review their policies. They had home insurance policies on two homes, car insurance for all their vehicles, and an umbrella policy. Everything was straight forward with one exception: the second home. It was originally a barn that had been converted to a home.

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