Tag: fort worth home insurance

Optional coverage for your computers, tablets & readers

Over the weekend, a group of us from Dallas went camping. We spent Friday night at Eisenhower State Park in Denison before backpacking in a different area on Lake Texoma. After the tents were set up and everything was organized, we all sat around the fire talking. I took the opportunity to do an informal survey of our friends. I asked each person how many computers they have. I added to that printers, software, tablets and readers. What I didn’t ask about but could have been added to the list was gaming systems (Nintendo, Xbox, etc.), data storage, or hard drives.

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Sewer & drain backups – are you covered?

There’s one more type of water peril that’s different from leaks. Homeowners and renters need to be aware of this peril. It’s sewer and drain back up. Leaking pipes and appliances are certainly a nuisance, but at least the water is clear and clean. Much more foul is a sewage and drain backup.

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The 2 types of water leaks & your home policy

??When it comes to water leaks, most insurance companies and their policies classify leaks into two categories;
Sudden & accidental
Slow drip or slow leak
Sudden & accidental: This type of leak is characterized as being sudden; it quickly materialized or occurred and it was unintentional.

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Does your home policy cover foundation damage?

One of the questions I’m asked about a home policy is whether or not it has foundation coverage. If you’ve lived in the Dallas / Fort Worth area, or many other parts of Texas, you know our soil moves. This seems to affect north Texas more than any other part of the state. The reason is our homes are built on “blackland prairie.” This is an ecoregion that runs from the Red River to San Antonio. The soil has a high clay content that contracts and expands. This “soil movement” can either …

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Jewelry, Artwork & Collectibles; Does your home policy cover these?

?Early in my career I met with a client to review the changes we’d made to her homeowner’s policy. She’d completed a remodeling project so we updated the amount of coverage on her home. She gave me a tour of her home and then we sat down at the dining room table to review the policy changes. There were 4 beautiful paintings hanging on the walls and I asked her if they were originals. With pride, she beamed they were. The value of the paintings was about $32,000.00. We had discussed everything else except the artwork.

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14 Steps to reduce your odds of being burglarized

Two weeks ago, we looked at the importance of having a home inventory. Having one helps any insured renter or homeowner be fully and accurately reimbursed for their contents if they’ve been burglarized or experience a loss from a fire or natural disaster. We followed up that post with what to do if you’ve been broken into. Avoiding being broken into is better yet.

Here are 14 steps you can take to reduce your odds of being burglarized by making it harder for a burglar, as published by the Dallas Police Department.

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The importance of having a home inventory

client called me the other day to let me know she’d been robbed. She had arrived home to find her home had been broken into and several things taken. We reviewed what information she’d provided to the police, her home insurance deductible, and measures she could take in the coming days to potentially recover her valuables. As I think of her experience there are a couple of topics I’d like to cover over several blog postings including

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