Tag: east Dallas insurance agent

Texas Car Insurance and Deductibles

How many deductibles does your Texas car insurance policy have? That depends on the coverage you selected when you purchased your policy. There are up to three deductible types available on most Texas policies including comprehensive, collision, and uninsured motorist. Before outlining each one, let’s first examine what a deductible is.

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Digital Asset Considerations Before You Die

None of us lives forever, but our presence in social media may go on forever after we take our last breath. Planning for what we want the end of our life encompasses many things; wills, medical directives, HIPAA releases, cremation versus burial, and even what kind of a ceremony we may want. I’d like to add one more item to your list, what do you want to happen to your digital assets?

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An Introduction to Pet Insurance

Pets have a profound impact on us. They can be funny, sing along with us, nudge us to scoot over, chase their tail, roll around to scratch their back, jumping at their reflection, or trying to figure out how to play with a household appliance. They can comfort us at the end of a long day greeting us with a wagging tail, rest their head on our leg to comfort us, or sit on our lap asking for some attention – now! In many ways they seem to love us unconditionally in the way few humans do.

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Home Insurance for a Duplex

I received a call from a mortgage loan officer in Dallas a few weeks ago. She was working with a couple who was buying a duplex but had not yet obtained insurance. The loan officer wondered if we could help the couple as the purchase was scheduled to close in a couple of days.

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