Tag: Dallas non-profit insurance

Commercial Insurance Hired and Non-Owned Auto Liability

If you’re a small business owner or run a non-profit, did you know you could be sued if an employee or volunteer is involved in an accident while driving their own car or a rented vehicle on business? Unfortunately, it’s true and there is an option that may be added to your commercial insurance policy or purchased separately, if it can’t be added to your general liability insurance, to protect you in such an event. It’s referred to as hired and non-owned auto liability, or HNO liability, and it could save your bacon financially.

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An Introduction to Insurance for Non-Profits

I’m working with a small Dallas area non-profit organization on their insurance. They work with kids on a variety of issues pre-teens and teens face; family, school, bullying, and the difficult transitions many of us faced from elementary to middle school, and then again moving on up into high school. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed learning about what they do and then helping the organization find the right insurance to protect it.

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