Tag: Dallas independent insurance agents

Dangerous Driving Days for Teen Drivers

Many teens will be getting their first driver’s license and have the opportunity to drive on their own. Even if it’s to chauffer a younger sibling to ball practice or run to the store to pick up some last minute item for that night’s dinner, they are driving! What most don’t realize is summer is one of the most deadly times for teen drivers.

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Hurricane Preparation for 2016

The 2016 hurricane season starts tomorrow. It runs from June 1 through the end of November. Some forecasters are predicting the 2016 season could be the biggest since 2012 with 10 to 16 tropical storms and 4 to 8 hurricanes with 1 to 4 reaching major storm status.

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Employee or Contractor and the Department of Labor View

You have just started your small business, or business is really taking off and you need help meeting your customers’ demands. Success depends in large part upon workers, consultants, vendors or other businesses you hire to help you. But what about cost? Maybe you can save money and effort by hiring an independent contractor?!

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What Is Usage Based Car Insurance?

What is usage based car insurance? It’s one of the most talked about changes in car insurance these days. It’s based on a pay as you go approach for car insurance pricing, which is much different from how car insurance has been priced. Insurance companies who provide usage based insurance, or UBI, are looking for safe drivers who don’t drive a lot and don’t mind having their driving monitored.

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Flooding and Car Insurance

The flooding that ravaged parts of Houston in April damaged 1,731 homes. Floods, such as Houston’s flood, affect much more than just homes, They impact businesses as well as cars and trucks. With that in mind, I thought we’d take a look at the impact flooding has on cars and answer the question, do you know what kind of car insurance coverage protects against a flooded vehicle.

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Questions and Answers on Flood Insurance

When a massive amount of rain falls in a short period of time, flooding is inevitable. After seeing these two events, I felt it important to revisit flood insurance by answers some of the questions I’m asked by homeowners. Over the next two weeks, I’ll also answer the question of who needs flood insurance and talk about cleaning up after a flood.

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Texas Car Insurance and DUIs

What substances can contribute to a DUI in Texas and what is the impact on your car insurance? I wanted to raise these questions in light of an article written by AP journalist Michael Balsamo which appeared in the Dallas Morning News the other day. The article was about a young woman who was killed while riding in a friend’s car when they were struck by a driver who’d inhaled aerosol dust cleaner in order to get high.

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Who Does the Repairs for your Insurance Claim?

You open the front door to your home only to step into water. There’s a leak. Who repairs the damage caused by the leak? Or you’re in an accident and need a body shop to repair your car. Who do you take your car to for the repair work? I get these questions from clients before or after the insurance claim is filed whether it’s a home or car claim.

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Hail Claims Impact on Texas Home Insurance

Over the last 8 weeks, Texas has been struck by four major hail storms, three in the Dallas / Fort Worth area and one in San Antonio. As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, initial estimates for the two hail storms that struck north Texas were a combined $1.3 billion in damages to homes, vehicles, and businesses. The estimated total number of vehicles struck by hail in those two storms alone was 80,000. The storm that hit in early April should push the damage totals for all three north Texas storms close to $2 billion.

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