Tag: Dallas independent insurance agents

Insurance and Divorce

A close friend and client called me a few weeks ago requesting renters insurance for an apartment she’s moving into. She and her husband are separating as they determine whether or not to end their marriage and file for divorce or go through the long process of healing. They may or may not resolve their issues in the coming weeks or months which led me, as their agent, to take a few minutes and outline the insurance decisions they need to address should they decide to divorce. Let’s take a look at the three areas anyone going through a divorce should consider.

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Car Insurance Options

There are a number of options that go well beyond what most people think of when they want “full coverage” car insurance. Here are six options worth knowing about.

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Home Insurance Discounts and Rating Factors

Want to save money on your home insurance? I haven’t talked with anyone who didn’t want to pay less without weakening the policy or going with a company that doesn’t provide good service. Let’s look at a few more home insurance discounts we didn’t get to last week as well as some rating factors worth knowing about.

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Home Insurance Discounts

I love discounts! If those discounts are on something I want, that’s wonderful! If they are on something I have to have, such as home insurance, that’s even better! Why pay more if you don’t have to?! Let’s take a look at discounts organized by category to help guide us.

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Car Insurance Coverage: Uninsured Motorist & Deductibles

Last week, I wrote about the one required coverage on any Texas car insurance policy. It is liability coverage (see https://wiseinsurancegroup.com/car-insurance-one-coverage-required-texas/). I’m going to continue on the theme of car insurance coverage this week as we look at two more coverage types which are Uninsured Motorist and deductibles.

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Home Insurance and Its Impact on Closing

I spoke to a group of realtors last week. It was the monthly meeting for the JB Real Estate Group (www.jbrealestategroup.com), and the topic I presented was, How To Keep Home Insurance from Derailing the Closing. We had a great discussion and I thought it would be beneficial to share what I presented here. I believe this information is helpful whether you are a home buyer, seller, realtor (listing or buying agent), or even a mortgage loan officer.

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Car Insurance and the One Coverage Required in Texas

What does a car insurance policy in Texas cover? That can vary from person to person. There is, however, one type of coverage every car insurance policy within Texas must have, and that is liability coverage. Over the next few weeks, we’ll take a look at the different types of coverage available on car policies in Texas, as well as, some discounts you should be aware of. We’ll first start with liability coverage.

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Home Insurance and Lack of Preparedness or Coverage

Insurance Journal published an interesting article based on the results of a survey undertaken by Trusted Choice and the Big I earlier this month. The results were very interesting and point out that most Americans are ill prepared financially for a major disaster, think their home policy will cover them in the event of a disaster, and may not have enough home insurance coverage to replace their home should they encounter such a disaster. With us being at the height of hurricane and wildfire seasons, let’s examine the survey’s findings.

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