Tag: Dallas independent insurance agents

How to Choose a Credit Repair Company

Changing our calendars to a fresh new year can cause us to reflect on what has transpired over the past twelve months. Many who do that resolve to initiate changes and renew a commitment or promise to themselves to do some things different. Along with people filling up the local gyms with a regenerated desire to get their bodies in shape, many take a look at their finances to consider ways they can improve their financial bottom line.

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Home Insurance Claim Steps

Sheri and I headed to join friends over the New Year’s holiday after checking in with all our clients located in and around where the tornadoes struck Garland, Rowlett, and the surrounding areas last week. We drove out I-30 toward where the twister struck near where the George Bush tollway and I-30 intersect. The damage sustained by the apartment buildings on the south side of the freeway was incredible; starting with rubble and progressing along the buildings to lost roofs and major damage.

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Home Insurance Claims After the Storm

This past Saturday was a warm day, shorts and t-shirt weather for most of the day. The weather report called for a cool front to move in that afternoon and evening. It did and the collision of the cool front with the warm air moving up from the Gulf set off a chain of thunderstorms and up to 9 reported tornadoes that ranged from Waxahachie, through Garland, Rowlett, and past Lake Lavon in Collin County. The extent of damage wasn’t known until Sunday.

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Rental Cars and Car Insurance

Christmas arrives next week. In addition to knocking out the shopping for those who haven’t finished it yet, many people will be visiting friends and family or packing in a family get away before school starts back up. In many cases, this means, people will be renting a car. The big question I get from clients when travel is about to take place is whether or not their car insurance covers a rental car.

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End of Year Insurance Review

There have been a number of several articles and blog posts since the first of December on end of year financial planning and moves to make. Some are written to address end of year tax moves you can take now, while others address items to rebalance your portfolio better, open an IRA, and improve your financial position now and in 2016.

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How Much Car Insurance do You Need?

I had lunch on Wednesday with a client. We caught up with each other, discussed how our businesses are doing, and then I reviewed his current insurance coverage and potential changes he should consider. His business is growing, and that means he’s transitioning in how insurance is approached. In these cases, it means insurance changes from a tool that protects cars and homes to providing financial protection. The question we discussed was how much car insurance is needed to protect him and his family.

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Home Insurance and Shiny Christmas Gifts

The countdown to Christmas is in full swing. In case you’re wondering, there are 17 more shopping days till Christmas, although it would be hard to not know that based on the advertisements on TV, radio, and everywhere else. Even on Monday night football, ESPN has its Zales Extraordinary Moments and there’s ever present “diamond kind of love.”

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Car Security During the Holidays

The holiday season is here and with it comes holiday parties, lights, decorations, and of course, shopping at malls and online. In addition to the shopping centers and malls being crowded with shoppers, there are people looking to cash in on what you just purchased for the special people in your life.

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Home Security During the Holidays

While most of us celebrate, there are those who look to take advantage of others during this season. Break-ins occur during this time of year, and it’s not just cars. Thieves break in to homes too. Here are 6 steps you can take to prevent a home break in during a time of year we should be celebrating.

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Home Winterization Tips

The Dallas / Fort Worth area had the first hint of winter this weekend with temperatures dipping into the 30’s Saturday night. Winter is coming and it’s a great time to get your home ready for it. You’ll save money on energy and maybe even avoid a home insurance claim!

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