Tag: Dallas independent insurance agents

Do Cell Phones Cause Car Wrecks?

The question may seem rhetorical to some and overly obvious to most, but it’s a question researchers attempted to answer in a study released on Monday in the online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Their study set out to determine the role cell phones play in car wrecks, and their findings, were very interesting even though it missed a couple of potential behaviors which contribute to accidents.

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Determining How Much Renters Insurance You Need

I’ve had an ongoing conversation with a prospective client on renter’s insurance. She’d been referred to me by a mutual friend who shared I could help her with getting a renter’s policy after moving out of a home she’d lived in for many years. The landlord does not require she have renter’s insurance, however, since she had moved out of a home our friend felt she needed the policy to protect what she owns.

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Texas Car Insurance for Uber and Lyft Drivers

Sheri dipped her toe in the sharing economy a couple of weeks ago when she downloaded the Uber app to her phone and arranged for a ride home from work while the car was in the shop. Since it was a non-peak time, the rate was incredibly affordable and it could not have been easier to arrange. We were both excited by her positive experience. I’m also excited to report Texas car insurance companies are finally providing affordable policies for Uber and Lyft drivers, as well as their passengers.

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Home Insurance and the Disappearing Back Yard

Homeowner’s in Frisco finds themselves caught between a rock and a hard place as they wait for their homeowners association and neighborhood developer to decide who’s responsible for the collapsing slope behind his home. It also raises a question of what their home insurance policy covers and doesn’t cover.

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An Update on Driverless Cars and Car Insurance

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) sent a letter to the head of Google’s self-driving car program on February 4th stating according to federal safety standards, a self-driving or autonomous vehicle’s software could be considered a “driver.” This announcement, along with a couple of other items that have come to light in the past few weeks provide an interesting perspective on autonomous vehicles and car insurance.

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Misleading Home Insurance Offer Letters

Sheri’s and my home insurance renews in March. Over the past few weeks, we’ve received a number of offer letters from insurance agents with a variety of companies. All of them offer what appears to be huge savings. If I were not an insurance agent, I would be very interested, however, I am an insurance agent and I know what I’m looking at when I read these offer letters. The savings they promise really is too good to be true!

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Demolition, Debris Removal and Home Insurance

Over the past five weeks, I’ve written about home insurance topics related to the tornadoes that hit north Texas on December 26th including picking the right roofer or contractor, claim steps, important coverage in the event of a total loss, how claims are paid and why a home inventory is invaluable after a major claim. I felt it appropriate to end this series with a look at two things home insurance covers which are factored into the home’s dwelling value that most homeowners don’t think about, demolition and debris removal.

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Texas Car Inspection Changes for 2016

House Bill 2305 was passed by the Texas Legislation on June 14, 2013 and went into effect on March 1, 2015. The bill did away with the familiar inspection sticker most Texas drivers were accustomed to receiving when we had our cars and trucks inspected each year. The goal, starting March 1st of last year was to combine the inspection sticker with our vehicle registration sticker.

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Do You Have a Home Inventory?

On Saturday, December 26, the temperatures were unseasonably warm, due to the warm air flowing up from the Gulf. A cold front rolled in from the west late that afternoon to collide with the warm Gulf air and set off 11 tornadoes across north Texas which killed 11 people and damaged or destroyed over 1,200 homes and businesses in Red Oak, Garland, and Rowlett.

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Will Your Home Insurance Cover a Total Loss?

Do you have enough coverage in your home insurance policy to cover a total loss? Do you have the right coverage? The answer to these two questions may never be known until you experience a situation like over 100 homeowners did after Christmas when tornadoes rumbled through Red Oak, Garland, and Rowlett. Over 1,200 homes and businesses were damaged or destroyed by 11 tornadoes which ransacked parts of north Texas on December 26th.

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