Tag: Dallas independent insurance agents

Two Cyber Liability Insurance Lawsuits with Different Outcomes

In the past two years, there have been two very interesting lawsuits over the question of whether or not commercial general liability insurance policies contain coverage for cyber liability. The two lawsuits had very different outcomes which may appear to muddy the waters regarding when cyber liability is covered and when it is not covered by a general liability policy. Let’s take a look at both lawsuits and where I think this may go.

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How Insurance Companies Handle Multiple Hail Claims

There’s an adage that says, “Lightening doesn’t strike the same place twice.” That may or may not be true for lightening, but hail, it appears, isn’t that selective. The storm that raked across north Texas last week struck many of the same communities and homes that were struck on March 23. One of the first calls I received from clients was from a couple who were hit by both storms. I think this is a good backdrop to address the question of how insurance companies respond to multiple hail claims for the same client.

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Filing a Home Insurance Claim for Hail Damage Step 2

As I write this, I’ve answered several calls and text message from clients about the latest hail storm that hit Denton and Colling counties Monday evening. The hail started out the size of golf balls and grew to baseball and softball size as it traveled east. Last week, I outlined the first step I recommend most clients take, which is to have a local roofer survey your roof for damage. The next step is to file the home insurance claim by calling the claim number for the carrier.

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My Car Accident and Insurance Claim Part 2

Last week, I introduced the topic of Sheri’s and my car accident, which happened three weeks ago, and outlined what to do if you’re involved in an accident while at the accident scene. This week, I will outline the claim process we went through and how a decision we made a few months ago on our car’s coverage shaped our options. Maybe our experience will help you navigate a car insurance claim.

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Filing a Home Insurance Claim for Hail Damage Step 1

Hail season in north Texas typically runs from April through June each year. You wouldn’t know that considering the two hail storms that struck our area in March. The combined estimated losses are around $1.1 billion dollars in damages to homes, cars, and business property. It makes you wonder what the rest of the season may look like!

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My Car Accident and Insurance Claim Part 1

Two weeks ago, I was driving Sheri to work and we were involved in a car accident. The rain was coming down softly and we were talking about our plans for the day and that evening. I turned off our street, onto a larger street in east Dallas. I passed by the neighborhood 7-11 and the day care center while in the middle lane. A Cadillac Escalade was to my left waiting for oncoming traffic to turn onto a side street.

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Home Insurance Options Part Two

… no Texas home insurance policy covers everything a homeowner can experience. Nor does everyone need the same coverage across the board. This is why all home insurance policies come with options. These options enable a person to tailor the level of coverage to their specific needs and risk tolerance. Some people wouldn’t dream of having a policy without identity theft and credit card fraud coverage while others think such coverage are a waste of money. In this week’s post, I’ll outline more options you can include on your Texas home insurance policy.

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Home Insurance Options Part One

Texas home insurance policies don’t cover everything a homeowner can experience. Neither does everyone need the same coverage across the board which is why all home insurance policies come with options. Policy options allow a person to tailor the level of coverage to their specific needs and tolerance for risk. Some people wouldn’t dream of having a policy without sewage and drain backup coverage while others think such coverage would be a waste of money. Over the next two weeks, I’ll delve into a variety of home insurance options to help you determine what you can or can’t live without.

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Umbrella Insurance – What is it and Who Needs One?

I was gathering information a few days ago from a prospective client on a new home she and her husband are buying. Once we’d reviewed everything for me to quote their home and car insurance, I asked her a question that allows me to advise them on their property and liability coverage. The question was, “Without providing me a specific number, is your family’s combined annual household income north or south of $125,000?”

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