Tag: condo

Texas Condo Insurance Coverage

Last week’s post, An Introduction to Condo Insurance (see https://wiseinsurancegroup.com/an-overview-of-texas-condo-insurance/) addressed how to determine the amount of condo insurance needed and what it covers. There’s more to a condo policy, however, than covering the finish out of the home and your personal property or contents. There are other coverage items to consider including personal liability, medical coverage, deductibles, and home owner’s assessment.

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Why You Need Renters Insurance

Why does anyone who rent’s an apartment condo, or single family home need renters insurance? Aside from many apartment complexes or landlords requiring it, renters insurance protects the renter from financial loss when something happens such as a fire, water leak, or theft.

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Home Insurance for Homes That Didn’t Start as Homes

A family was referred to me last year to review their policies. They had home insurance policies on two homes, car insurance for all their vehicles, and an umbrella policy. Everything was straight forward with one exception: the second home. It was originally a barn that had been converted to a home.

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