Tag: car insurance discounts

Car Insurance Topics for College Students

There are a couple of car insurance related topics every parent of a college student should discuss with their son or daughter before they head off to school. Both have a financial impact on the family’s car insurance rate. The biggest one is allowing a friend or roommate to drive their car or truck if they take one to school. The other one relates to grades. Let’s review this issue and ways to lower your car insurance rate.

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Car Insurance and College Students

When it comes to car insurance and college kids every parent should discuss a couple of topics with their student. These topics have financial ramifications in that they can increase or decrease what you pay for car insurance. Let’s revisit permissive drivers and car insurance discounts.

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Car Insurance Rates and Collar Color

Consumer Reports released a study last week which was published online that appeared on Yahoo and various other websites. It’s one of the most interesting articles I’ve read on car insurance pricing from a consumer organization in some time. The conclusion of the Consumer Reports study is blue collar drivers pay more for car insurance than do white collar drivers. The amount of the difference isn’t trivial either; it’s $681 a year more on average nationally.

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Car Insurance Discounts and Safety Technology

Car insurance companies have offered discounts for a variety of safety technologies for over 20 years. Early on these discounts were for anti-lock brakes and driver side airbags. The discount for airbags shifted as airbags moved from protecting the driver only, to both the driver and front seat passenger, to side impact and curtain airbag configurations to protect against head trauma. Some insurance companies even offered discounts for cars equipped with daytime running lights because they were easily visible to other motorists on the road.

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Car Insurance and College Students

College is a wonderful and sometimes slightly scary time for most parents. Their son or daughter is spreading their wings, stepping out on their own, and beginning to prepare for life as an adult while they figure what their future holds. It is also a time when a son or daughter begins to make decisions for themselves, some of which have adult level consequences.

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Car Insurance and College Students

If you have a son or daughter heading off to college, you’re in the midst of getting everything together, packed, and ready to either take them to school or preparing them to head off on their own. As busy are you may be right now, there are a couple of car insurance related topics that are worth taking a few moments to examine as a parent, and to talk about with your son or daughter before they step onto campus.

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10 Car Insurance Discounts That Add Up

No one wants to pay more for their car insurance than needed. This is why many people volunteer their cars have such features as anti-lock brakes, a security system, air bags, etc. With that in mind, here are 10 discounts to be aware of that may add up to some nice savings on your car insurance!

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Two Questions about Teens and Car Insurance

A client sent me an email two weeks ago that turned into an enjoyable “conversation” over a series of email messages. My client has a teen daughter that’s about to get her learner’s permit and she wanted to know when she should add her daughter to her car insurance policy.

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Car Insurance and Population Growth

Texans have long proclaimed that everything is bigger in Texas! If you look at the population growth numbers for the top ten metropolitan areas from July 1, 2012 to July 1, 2013, that’s been especially true for Texas. In a Dallas morning news story published on Thursday, March 27, Texas has two of the top ten metropolitan areas in the country. They are Houston and Dallas / Fort Worth.

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Advanced Car Safety Systems

The Detroit auto show started last week and runs through January 26th. There are the debuts of new models from domestic and international car manufacturers, concept cars, and lots of new technology. Chief among the new offerings arriving in cars are those technologies that are grouped in a category referred to as advanced car safety systems. They aren’t quite as sexy as the new Corvette, but if they better protect us from accidents, we’ll be just as appreciative of them.

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