Tag: auto claims

Applying for life insurance? How’s your driving record?

Everyone smiles when I ask about traffic tickets or accidents. Some have even asked what they have to do with life insurance. Almost every insurance company that processes a life application will run MVR (motor vehicle report) and CLUE reports. The MVR show violations such as tickets and the CLUE report shows accidents.

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What’s the most dangerous place to drive in Texas?

?One of the most difficult and dangerous places to drive in Texas is on our highways. Driving through one of the major construction projects takes that experience to another level. If you’ve been in the D/FW area, two excellent examples of this would be the reconstruction of the D/FW Connector (Highways 121 & 114 north of D/FW Airport) or LBJ Freeway (Interstate Highway 635 between I-35 and Highway 75).

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Pileup on I-10 & who’s at fault

?Several years ago, I rear ended a truck in stop and go traffic on I-35 in Dallas. It was my fault. Six years ago, I was rear ended by a truck and it was their fault. Usually the person who hits the person in front of them is at fault. Unless of course the person in front does something that would not be considered an intelligent move, like the guy who changed a tire in the middle of the road on a two lane highway! That was not the case last week!

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3 things you can do to prevent your car being broken into

?The Thanksgiving meal is over and the shopping season is beginning. Are you going to join the throngs of shoppers and brave the malls to find the perfect gifts for family, friends and loved ones? If so, let’s consider a question and reminder that can make this holiday season more enjoyable and help reduce your likelihood of being victimized.

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Can you get car insurance after the fact?

Early in my career, I got a phone call from a person who wanted to buy insurance. She was a little distraught at the time so I took a few moments to help her slow down and breathe. Once she took a deep breath I began to get the information I needed to provide her with a quote for insurance.

The last piece of information she provided was that she’d just been in an accident, was calling me from the scene, and would the policy we were discussing cover the damage to the other person’s car and hers?

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