Category: Problem posts

Employee or Contractor and the Department of Labor View

You have just started your small business, or business is really taking off and you need help meeting your customers’ demands. Success depends in large part upon workers, consultants, vendors or other businesses you hire to help you. But what about cost? Maybe you can save money and effort by hiring an independent contractor?!

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How to Choose a Credit Repair Company

Changing our calendars to a fresh new year can cause us to reflect on what has transpired over the past twelve months. Many who do that resolve to initiate changes and renew a commitment or promise to themselves to do some things different. Along with people filling up the local gyms with a regenerated desire to get their bodies in shape, many take a look at their finances to consider ways they can improve their financial bottom line.

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So…How is your Credit?

We are sometimes harshly judged by what is deemed as our “credit worthiness”. An individual’s personal credit profile is very influential and has become more important than ever before. It can be used as a large decision-making component in many areas of our life including, financing and the interest rates we pay, our ability to rent an apartment or house, and the insurance rates we are charged…

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