Tag: Uptown life insurance agents

Earthquakes in Texas and Home Insurance

Thirteen earthquakes struck north Texas in a 24 hour period last week hitting near the former site of Texas stadium in Irving. North Texans began asking, “Where were you when the quakes struck?” The top three quakes measured 3.1, 3.5, and 3.6 on the Richter scale, with the remaining tremors measuring between 1.6 and 2.9. Many north Texans were shaken up. Calls began to pour in to city offices, fire and police departments, as well as offices of homeowners’ insurance agents.

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Financial Challenges When a Spouse Dies

Are you financially prepared if your husband or wife dies? Based on the results of a study commissioned by New York Life, the answer is a resounding No! 68% of women survivors and nearly half of male survivors reported significant life changes following the loss of their spouse with financial concerns topping the list.

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2 Succession Planning Options & How to Fund Them

You’ve worked long hours to fulfill a dream and build your company from a surviving business to a thriving, successful business. Have you given any thought to succession planning; who will succeed you, and how it will be funded? Or maybe you’re a partner in a company and you want to protect the business you’ve helped build, but what if something happens to your partner?

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